Help us build community
All donations are tax deductible. Beacon Village is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Donations made online include a transaction fee withheld from your contribution. If you wish to ensure 100% of your donation is used for our work, we gladly accept donations via check.
Beacon Village
621 NE 76th Ave
Portland, OR 97213
Other easy ways to support Beacon Village:
Link your Fred Meyer’s Rewards Card to Beacon Village (or through our Fred Meyer org. # AX382). At no added cost to you, Fred Meyer donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Fred Meyer Community Rewards organizations. You will need to have a registered Fred Meyer rewards card account in order to link our organization. If you do not have a rewards card, visit any Fred Meyer customer service desk to obtain one.
Do you have a BottleDrop account? Click here to add us as the charity you’d like to donate your BottleDrop earnings to (must have a BottleDrop account).